Why to Join NCUFF
NCUFF is the local chapter of the United Faculty of Florida. UFF supports faculty rights, the advancement of academic excellence, the achievement of economic security, and gives you the opportunity to join in the collegial decision-making process which determines many of your professional circumstances.
UFF advocates for academic freedom in the political arena
Collective bargaining contracts negotiated by NCUFF/UFF strengthen administrative accountability and faculty authority
Protects faculty rights
Provides grievance representation
Questions? Contact NCUFFPresident@gmail.com
How to Join NCUFF
If you’re ready to join, click the membership link:. The membership form will ask you for salary and pay schedule information--please make sure that you check the current academic year when filling it out. One unusual feature of public sector unions in Florida is that there is no option for paying union dues through payroll deductions, but it's easy to set up automatic payments through eDues, which is safe, secure, and does not share membership information with employers. Once you fill out the first section of the form, you will be directed to the eDues portal.
If you would like more information about eDues, please click here.